We interrupt these licensed images posts with…
Article 999, being a website designed to provide reasonably trustworthy answers to paramedic/EMT questions, along with fast facts and a soon to be launched video library, normally abides by the academic, very legal, I’m-spending-far-too-much-a-month-on-good-design-and-royalty-free-photos, but not today. Today, we bring you an incredibly useful alternative to the Wong-Baker FACES pain scale (Wong-Baker Faces, 2016), the ‘highly unofficial LEGO Pain Assessment Chart’ by Life of Dad (Moles, 2014).
Perhaps otherwise known as a gentle criticism to the Wong-Baker (2016) scale, I thought Article 999’s image collection would go amiss without this attractive alternative:
If you want to find this scale on the go, simply type in Article 999’s search box, FACES, pain scale, or Lego. Go ahead, try it*
*Obviously not endorsed by any organisation. The image’s usefulness is judged by this paramedic alone.
Moles, Jason (2014) More Proof that Everything is Better with Lego, Available Online: https://www.lifeofdad.com/more-proof-that-everything-is-better-with-lego/ (Accessed 09/09/2017)
Wong-Baker FACES (2016) Wong-Baker FACES Foundation, Available Online: http://wongbakerfaces.org/ (Accessed 09/09/2017)
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