European Paediatric Advanced Life Support Course – Revision Notes
Please note, these notes are not exhaustive and are by no means a replacement for studying the course manual.

The demarcation line in unwell paediatrics
Image above shows a cold child and a quote from the EPALS textbook.

The Decompensating Child: Blood Pressure Ranges to Watch
Why is it important to measure the blood pressure in an unwell child? What defines hypotension in a child? Have a quick refresher here.

Children are more likely to arrest due to a lack of oxygen or hypotension than a cardiac cause
Smith, G. 2015. Prevention of cardiac arrest and decisions about CPR, Available Online: https://www.resus.org.uk/resuscitation-guidelines/prevention-of-cardiac-arrest-and-decisions-about-cpr/#decisions (Accessed 02/05/2018)

Paediatric History Taking Tip
A reminder to emphasise the importance of history taking

UK Teenage Pregnancy Rates
A useful 'nice to know' fast fact. Something to bear in mind during reflection on, or even during the history taking of teenage patients?