The information published on Article 999 has been accumulated by a paramedic, with occasional contributions from student HCPs, other ambulance clinicans, and registered professionals from medical or relevant professions. Where any opinions exist, they are the opinions of the authors alone and do not represent the views of the content that has been quoted or summarised, the NHS or any Ambulance Service.
Before putting into practice any theory or practical advice or anything shown in the videos, you must assess the individual situation to see if such advice, instruction or demonstration applies or if there are features of the patient’s situation that call for other methods or measures. Article 999 envisages producing only materials which are referenced to a publicly available source, be it an equipment manual, a textbook or another reputable source. However, your actions should be guided by your assessment, training, guidelines and where necessary the equipment manufacturer’s materials and advice.
Students are welcome to re-use references from Article 999, which are published in a Harvard format. Please remember that human error in these references may exist.
Article 999’s logo is owned by Article 999. Article 999 has purchased licenses for all images used on this website via Adobe Stock or other stock providers. Any other images are produced by Article 999 authors. You are not permitted to use any stock images in your own projects without purchasing the necessary license from stock.adobe.com or alternative stock site.
Regarding the sharing of Article 999’s content, all content is covered by the usual rules of copyright. To make things clearer, Article 999’s work is covered by a Creative Commons license:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This means that you are free to share our content, as long as you provide ‘appropriate credit’, a license link, and indicate if you have made any changes – but, if you do change the content in any way, you cannot share it. This license has been added to this text on 08/06/2023. The site was previously covered by standard copyright & older types of creative commons license. This now covers all content on the site. Although we believe in creativity, we have chosen a no-derivatives license to protect the original clinical content we have created, as well as its references, and to ensure the original meaning or intention is not changed.
To ensure Article 999 is following the letter of the law, advice has been and continues to be sought from reputable agencies and permission has been gained to make and publish all videos including individuals posted on this website and any of its current and future sister sites. Advice has also been gained via the Justia Ask a Lawyer website. You may view the question submitted and the answer received from a lawyer at this link.
The individual behind the creation of Article 999 is Louise Sopher, an HCPC registered Paramedic. The work has been produced with the knowledge of some individuals within the trust this paramedic works for, however none of the work produced here or on any of Article 999’s current and future sister sites is endorsed by the trust. All contributors to Article 999 are named in the author section of the articles they have written. The same statements written here apply to those individuals, whichever organisation(s) they represent.
Further details of Article 999’s work to ensure all applicable laws are adhered to be may be made available on request. Article 999 hopes this demonstrates their efforts to abide by the law and to create an ethical, useful and well referenced resource.
In the future Article 999 will be reviewed by other individuals. In the meantime, if you spot any mistakes please get in touch by email or using the Contact form.