Earthquakes And Crush Injuries: What are ‘The Primary Causes of Death’ After Extrication? Data From a Recent Article
Source: https://jag.journalagent.com/csmedj/pdfs/CSM_3_1_4_13.pdfImage: Adobe Stock

The Vagus Nerve and Its Relevance to the Digestive System
Text Source: Goldberg. Image source: Amazon Stock (2nd image).

Trauma: Terminology
Trauma terminology - crush injury vs syndrome vs compression, vs compartment syndrome...vs rhabdo!

Strokes: Current Statistics
SAH = Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441958/Image: Adobe Stock Fancy fact: But is it hemorrhage or haemorrhage? This is another US/UK spelling match – we like our a’s in the UK. […]

In BVM Management, The 2-Handed VE Technique May Be As Effective, If Not More Effective, Than the CE Technique In Both Adults and Children
The biggest failure we make in medical education is teaching that there is only one way of doing something. This research is a good reminder of the need to teach or highlight that there are multiple accepted methods.

Rhabdomyolysis: Presentation, Diagnosis, Treatment, Causes, Prognosis.
Want to understand a little more about rhabdomyolysis. Here are 8 key points, all referenced, with lots more info due soon in quick refresher posts.

What is the Aim of Treatment in Angina?
Text reference: Michael J.Neal: Medical Pharmacology at a Glance Image: Amazon Stock