The Decompensating Child: Blood Pressure Ranges to Watch
Why is it important to measure the blood pressure in an unwell child? What defines hypotension in a child? Have a quick refresher here.

How to Use Cling Film to Treat Burns (Fast Fact)
Fast Fact posts are designed to provide quick and easy ways to revise key topics - view a photo with a quote/fact by simply scrolling through the category. Refresh yourself during those middle-of-the-night breaks when you would have aimlessly scrolled through your phone. There is no need to read a lengthy post to do a little CPD.

Vitamin D Deficiency Government Review
A six week review begins today (03/04/2022) to produce evidence for ways to reduce vitamin d deficiencies and health inequalities in the UK. Click the photo or link to read more on the GovUK website. -- Health News

When Treating Burns, Consider IV Fluid
This is a fast fact based on this post. Full reference available there.

The ‘C’ of Burns – Do Your ECGs
This is a fast fact based on the full post: Burns: The Practical Stuff. Full reference available there.

Beware of the Toxins You Can’t See
This is a fast fact based on the full post – Burns: The Practical Stuff. Full reference available there.

When Treating a Burns Patient, Consider Giving O2
This is a fast fact based on this post. Full reference available there.

Patients with burns to their chest might suffer progressively worsening breathing
chest wall burns, constriction, tightening, ventilation, HEMS, critical care