HCPC Standard of Proficiency 4.6: Reflective Prompt
Previous HCPC reflective prompts were added to our social media pages only.

Join Us as a Patient Voice on Our Mission to Improve Health Literacy for Patients
Why, you ask? Because health literacy levels in this country are shockingly low – seriously, check out this map. Adults in the UK struggle to understand and interpret health information. […]

HCPC Standard 4.5: Reflective Prompt
All previous HCPC reflective prompt posts were published on our social media pages – X, Facebook, Instagram.

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

HCPC Standards of Proficiency 2023, and Standards of Conduct, Performance, and Ethics 2024
Information about the HCPC standards of proficiency 2023 & the upcoming 2024 changes to the standards of conduct, performance, and ethics, and how you can evidence them in your portfolio.

CPD V1.7 (Nov 2023) Portfolio Access
Access the latest versions of the CPD portfolio templates here.

HCPC Portfolio Help File
Those of you following Article 999 in recent months will be aware of the developments in the CPD templates, which are now for everyone from first aiders/FREC/EMT-level staff through to NQPs and post-NQPs. Previously, you were asked to have a look at a OneNote 'help file' (originally called the portfolio). The latest updates to the Airtable templates mean the file in its previous format is no longer needed, so I have copied the majority of the information here for ease. Simply use this for reference to ensure you understand the process, and to check you have everything you need before you submit.