What To Do When You Fall Over, Aged 65+
This is a video series for adult patients aged 65+ on what to do when you fall over. The series includes information on when to call for help, what to do if you are not hurt, and when to speak to your Doctor about your falls. There is also a complete (merged) video if you wish to watch the whole series at once. Health-care-professionals may share these videos with patients as health promotion and worsening advice.
For Adult Patients: What to do when you have a high temperature or feel unusually cold (video)
This video has been created by Paramedics in response to the number of patients we are coming across who are unsure what to do when they have a high temperature or don't know that the signs and symptoms they are experiencing may mean that they have a high temperature. I hope the below video is helpful and informative. If there are any concerns, please let me know in the comment box below.