Children are more likely to arrest due to a lack of oxygen or hypotension than a cardiac cause
Smith, G. 2015. Prevention of cardiac arrest and decisions about CPR, Available Online: https://www.resus.org.uk/resuscitation-guidelines/prevention-of-cardiac-arrest-and-decisions-about-cpr/#decisions (Accessed 02/05/2018)

No SOB, No DIB, But It Is Still Pneumonia
Sometimes, children might present with pyrexia and symptoms that don't suggest they have a chest infection. Don't rule out pneumonia in a poorly child who isn't complaining of chesty symptoms - they may have it.

What red flags need to be looked out for in a child?
According to Bruga et al (2013), the red flags to look out for range from those which directly concern a child's vital signs to states such as 'seizures', rashes and 'haemorrhage' (Bruga et al, 2013: 12). For the full list, please see the image below.