Membership Checkout

Level Price Action
Level 1 – Free access to CPD templates and more


Level 2 – Free – Access Level 1 Content, Submit Posts, and More



Membership Information

You have selected the Level 2 - Free - Access Level 1 Content, Submit Posts, and More membership level.

We'd love to welcome you to the level 2 membership if you are either:

  • An individuals or team with verified instructor status (instructor qualification or at minimum a level 3 certificate in education & training).
  • A registered healthcare professional who is actively contributing to Article 999's content.

What you'll get from us:

  • Register for our swap and share out of date kit service to reduce the waste in healthcare and to increase access to training kit for those who are unable (verified instructors only). We are taking expressions of interest in this at the moment until enough members can generate an effective service.
  • Access to our instructor shop to buy merchandise with the instructor banner.
  • Get published by submitting entries for publication on the site from your profile page, once you are logged in.
  • Access our free level 1 membership to access CPD templates and additional content that may be of benefit to you or your team.
  • Two members will receive free Article 999 merchandise each year!

The membership cost is currently £0, though we ask you to pay for your own postage when sending equipment. We also request a small donation at your own discretion to help fund the ongoing running of the site:

Thank you for your interest and support for Article 999.


Can't get to your profile? Here's the link.

The price for membership is £0.00 now.

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

CPD Updates

Do you want to be informed about updates to Article 999's CPD templates and new version releases? If yes, I'll reach out when new versions are released to offer free updates to your portfolios.

Instructor/Contributor Confirmation

Please confirm how you are planning to contribute to Article 999. We reserve the right to change your membership to a level 1 membership if you do not contribute to level 2.

Please choose one.

Swap and Share Service - Add Your Details

Are you part of a company or NHS Trust? Do you run adult, paediatric, or trauma courses? What county are you in? *UK only please*

This will not be shared with those wanting to send or receive kit to/from you.

*This is NOT a password, so please don't re-use other passwords. We will add this number to your orders to help us track your orders.

If you select yes, we will let you know about any essential changes to the service including expansions to what we can offer. We will only email you about essential changes.

This will be shared with those who are able to send you the kit you have requested.

This includes new features and exclusive content.