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Category: Nice to know

Should Patients Take Caffeine-Containing Analgesics?

Many of our patients have high temperatures, especially during COVID outbreaks. Some of them are taking over the counter pain relief as required. This is of course recommended, however many of our patients are also tachycardic due at least in part to their high temperatures. When they complain of palpitations, do they need to be aware of the effects of caffeine-paracetamol combinations? Should they be taking this combination at all, or should they simply ease off dietary sources of caffeine while taking analgesics? Here are a few quotes on the subject. Full references are below.

What is the structure of the digestive system?

The Digestive System is the 'alimentary canal and its associated glands, the salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas.' (Boyle and Senior, 2008: 131). Pass your exams or refresh yourself by reading the extended answer here.

PARAMEDIC-2 Trial Results

  ‘For more than 50 years, treatment strategies have included the use of various drugs, but there is limited evidence that such treatments are effective’ (Perkins et al, 2018). Now […]

Free Ventilator Downloads from Smiths Medical

So far, Article 999 has a reasonable collection of information and videos about positive pressure breathing and ventilators used in prehospital emergency care. Smiths Medical is behind the PneuPac ParaPac. […]

What is the relief pressure dial on the ventilator?

The relief pressure dial on the ventilator ensures that the pressure of ventilation is not so high that it causes problems but allows it to be high enough to help ensure that the patient actually is ventilated. Read more...

What is positive pressure breathing?

Positive pressure refers to the way artificial ventilation ‘inflate[s] the lungs’ (Hess & Kacmarek, 2014). ‘Normal breathing depends on drawing in air to the lungs by creating a partial vacuum […]