Rhabdomyolysis: Presentation, Diagnosis, Treatment, Causes, Prognosis.
Want to understand a little more about rhabdomyolysis. Here are 8 key points, all referenced, with lots more info due soon in quick refresher posts.
Revise the NICE Head Injury Guidance in Under 5 Minutes
Check out the video summary below. For more information, have a look at the related Article 999 post here. Other posts that may interest you: Fast Fact: Head Injury is […]
What does NICE say about head injuries?
NICE guidelines are great, but they're annoying sometimes. They're lengthy, and it can be hard to find only the content that is directly relevant to frontline ambulance clinicians. Here is a summary of their head injury guidelines, showing only the points and quotes that are relevant to us. Article 999: Simplifying, Presenting, Refreshing.
Should We Use Rigid Cervical Collars?
Compare the evidence, including from the JRCALC, on the use of rigid cervical collars.
Article Summary: Maxillofacial Trauma Patient
Summary of 'Maxillofacial trauma patient' (Krausz et al, 2009). An article discussing the importance of effective airway management in the maxillofacial trauma patient and the complexities that such an injury presents. Only points relevant to UK paramedics have been included. For more details, please read the original article.
What are the paramedic drugs and doses for adult ALS?
Adrenaline, amiodorone, sodium chloride... What do our guidelines say about when, how and how much of these drugs we should be giving?
What is the definition of trauma?
‘Trauma is the acute physiological and structural change that occurs in a patient’s body when an external source of energy dissipates faster than the body’s ability to sustain and dissipate […]
Should we use cervical collars?
An unnecessary evil?