Tell me about the treatment of ischaemic CVAs
These are usually treated with thrombolysis using IV alteplase within 4.5 hours from symptom onset and after a CT scan and diagnosis, but there are new tests and treatments coming out and many other factors to consider. <>

Tell me about ischaemic CVAs
These are strokes that are caused by a blockage in the blood flow to the brain. They may be treated with thrombolysis if not contra-indicated. <>

When can you say an adult lacks capacity?
If the person cannot: ‘understand the information relevant to the decision’ ‘retain that information’ Remember, the person only needs to retain this information long enough to decide ‘use or weigh […]

What are the 5 principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005?
Or: How do you decide if someone has capacity? Someone always has capacity until it’s proven otherwise ‘[…] All practical steps to help’ someone make a decision must be tried […]

What is the third most common cause of adult death?
Also: What can cause adult disability? According to Haran et al (2016), ‘Stroke is the third most common cause of death and largest cause of adult disability’ Haran et al, […]

What is the definition of trauma?
‘Trauma is the acute physiological and structural change that occurs in a patient’s body when an external source of energy dissipates faster than the body’s ability to sustain and dissipate […]

When do you use an NPA?
Or: When do you use a nasopharygeal airway? ‘…in the presence of trismus, an intact gag reflex, or oral trauma’ (Gregory & Mursell, 2010: 7) Gregory, P. and Mursell, I. […]

Where are most airway obstructions?
These ‘may occur at any level from the nose to the trachea’ but are commonly found ‘at the level of the pharynx’ (Gregory & Mursell, 2010: 2) Next: Find out […]

What causes airway obstruction?
‘posterior displacement of the tongue caused by reduced muscle tone’ ‘soft palate and the epiglottis’ vomit blood ‘swelling of the airway (e.g. anaphylaxis)’ ‘foreign body’ ‘laryngeal spasm’ (Gregory & Mursell, […]