Video – Burns: The Practical Stuff

This video demonstrates the assessment and management of burns, using equipment that is recommended within the locality at the time of production. Remember to check your local, current guidelines before putting anything into practice. Produced by HCPs and students.

For Adult Patients: What to do when you have a high temperature or feel unusually cold (video)

This video has been created by Paramedics in response to the number of patients we are coming across who are unsure what to do when they have a high temperature or don't know that the signs and symptoms they are experiencing may mean that they have a high temperature. I hope the below video is helpful and informative. If there are any concerns, please let me know in the comment box below.

Should Patients Take Caffeine-Containing Analgesics?

Many of our patients have high temperatures, especially during COVID outbreaks. Some of them are taking over the counter pain relief as required. This is of course recommended, however many of our patients are also tachycardic due at least in part to their high temperatures. When they complain of palpitations, do they need to be aware of the effects of caffeine-paracetamol combinations? Should they be taking this combination at all, or should they simply ease off dietary sources of caffeine while taking analgesics? Here are a few quotes on the subject. Full references are below.

What is the structure of the digestive system?

The Digestive System is the 'alimentary canal and its associated glands, the salivary glands, the liver and the pancreas.' (Boyle and Senior, 2008: 131). Pass your exams or refresh yourself by reading the extended answer here.

What does NICE say about head injuries?

NICE guidelines are great, but they're annoying sometimes. They're lengthy, and it can be hard to find only the content that is directly relevant to frontline ambulance clinicians. Here is a summary of their head injury guidelines, showing only the points and quotes that are relevant to us. Article 999: Simplifying, Presenting, Refreshing.